CLAC Team App
Cockburn Little Athletics Centre like to keep our athletes & families up to date and informed . We use Team App as our main communication tool to send out instant notifications to members and upload important documents and information about upcoming events, including competition programs, venue maps, start lists, and much more.
If you do not wish to receive notifications to your smart phone, you can turn them off in your profile and Team App will automatically send you an email for communications. This ensures you always stay in touch with the latest information.
Install the Cockburn LAC App on your smartphone or tablet now!
Follow these steps:
1. Download the Team App from the Apple or Google Play app store
2. Sign up to Team App. You will be sent an email to confirm your registration
3. Log into the App and search for "Cockburn LAC"
4. Choose your applicate access groups
5. If you don't have a smartphone click here